OMRON MIT – an arterial pressure and pulse frequency meter with a built-in monitoring map MIT- monitor (AP-monitor)
OMRON MIT is a compact, fully automated apparatus to measure the arterial pressure at the shoulder artery. The apparatus is connected with the cuff either directly or with a help of a vacuum tube. OMRON MIT quickly and accurately measures pressure and pulse and converts the information into a digital reading on a liquid-crystalline indicator. The apparatus is applied with the function of an artificial intelligence, and measures pressure when air is pumped into the cuff. OMRON MIT can save the latest measure in memory. Details >>
High pressure cell (HPC) for magnetic measurements
The row of high pressure cell modifications are produced in DÏnetsk Institute for Physics and Engineering:
- HPC for AC measurements on SQUID-magnetometer;
- HPC for DC measurements on SQUID-magnetometer;
- HPC for measurements on vibration magnetometer;
- HPC for DC measurements on PPMS.
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High pressure cell (HPC) for resistive measurements mounted on the platform with a spesial puck for conjugation whith QD PPMS
îigh pressure cell is applicated for resistive measurements on the PPMS maked by “Quantum Design”. HPC is installed in measuring cell by means of rod, which is turned up then. Others HPC modifications having analogous construction (various correlation between external diameter and canal diameter) for pressure from 10 to 20 kbar may be made:
- without platform with special puck for resistive measurements on the others types devices;
- with special coaxial input for NMR investigations;
- with resonator for EPR investigations.
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Automational High Pressure Mounting (AHPM) for Complex Research of the Food-Stuffs, Biological and Physical Objects
AHPM is intended for laboratory research of the high hydrostatic pressure and temperature influence on the physical and optical parameters of solids, liquids and viscous plastic materials used in medicine, biology, chemistry, physics, food industry ets.
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Nitrogen cryostat
The nitrogen cryostat is applicated for optical and mossbauer investigations in the long no nitrogen refill regime. Sample cooling is realized by means of heat exchange between working cell and cryogenic reservoir. Temperature regulation and control are made by using the chain consisting of a heater and a temperature sensor. Horizontal windows are setted in the bottom of the cryostat. For mossbauer measurements, the cryostat can be provided with mylar windows. For optical measurements, windows are made from a transparent to necessary wavelength material.
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Helium cryostat
The helium cryostat is applicated for optical and mossbauer investigations in the temperature range 4,2 – 300 K. Sample cooling is realized by means of heat exchange between working cell and cryogenic reservoir. Temperature regulation and control are made by using the chain consisting of a heater and a temperature sensor. Horizontal windows are setted in the bottom of the cryostat. For mossbauer measurements, the cryostat can be provided with mylar windows. For optical measurements, windows are made from a transparent to necessary wavelength material.
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The set is designed for researches and certification of characteristics of optical materials and devices in the 3.0-300K temperature range in the visible and infra-red spectral regions. The reliable comparative analysis of the characteristics is due to perfect and high vacuum created by a built-in carbon cryosorption pump which prevents formation of deposites on surfaces of ports, samples and mirrors.
Three small - size cryostats of the "CRYOSPEC CT" series with the temperature controlled in the 3.5-300K range are intended for studying transmission of samples of 25, 50, and 75mm. diameter in the visible and infra-red regions of radiation spectrum. Sample holder with a built-in heat exchanger is in vacuum. Coolant (helium, nitrogen) is fed to the system of temperature control via transfer siphone by a vacuum pump or blowing through at the expense of surplus pressure generated in a transport Dewar vessel.
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Two small cryostats CTR-R and CTR-W of identical class with controllable in an interval 10-300ë and the 3.5-300K temperature of series " CRYOSPEC CTR " are intended for research of transmission characteristics of samples of diameter to 40 mm. in the visible and infra-red region of spectrum in the range of angles of sounding radiation incidence from 0 to 60 degrees and coefficient of mirror reflection with three fixed angles of incidence of sounding radiation of 12, 45 and 60 degrees. The sample holder is located in vacuum, on a turning platform, for having any preset position during one experiment. Coolant ( helium, nitrogen ) is fed to heat exhanger of temperature control system via a flowing siphon by a vacuum pump or blowing due to the surplus pressure generated in the transport Dewar vessel.
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Series of liquid cryostats with temperature control in 4,2-300ë or 80-300K temperature ranges is designed for studying transmission characteristics of optical materials in the visible and infra-red regions of radiation spectrum in the helium - nitric temperature range. Sample size and clear dimension of ports make - 30 – 50mm.
Cryostats and cryogenic systems for optical researches in the magnetic field are designed by the concerted technical requirements, structure execution and completeness.
A complete set is intended for research of characteristics of photosensitive materials and wares in the range of the 3.0-300K temperatures in the visible and infra-red region of radiation spectrum both on the stage of development and during certification of the prepared products.
Cryostat PR provides the decision of all complex tasks of research and certification of characteristics of photosensitive materials, photoreceivers in the range of the 10-300K temperatures in the visible and infra-red region of radiation spectrum. The holder of photoreceivers measuring 60-80mm. with built-in heat exchanger is located in vacuum. Coolant in heat exchanger of the system of temperature control is fed by flowing siphon by vacuum pump or blowing out due to the surplus pressure created in the transport Dewar vessel.
For providing of possibility of measurements in all spectral range in the conditions of one experiment the cryostat is equipped by two filters. The first warm filter is at the entrance. Second is cold. it is one of complete set of intermediate filters. Intermediate filters ( 5-10 pcs, different by the range of transmission ) are disposed in the special revolved cassette and can be changed directly in the process of experiment. At the same time, in the process of experiment, the temperature of these filters can also be regulated in the 30-300K range regardless of temperature of the PR holder.
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Small cryostat CT-PR is intended for research of characteristics of photosensitive materials, photoreceivers and emitters in the range of temperatures of 3-300ë or 80-300ë in the visible and infra-red region of radiation spectrum.
Cryostat CT-PR is designed on the base of cryostat CRYOSPEK –CT. Holder of standards with built-in heat exchanger is located in vacuum. Thermostating of standard is produced by blowing out of heat exchanger of holder by coolant of required temperature, flowing from heat exchanger of the system of temperature control. Coolant \ helium, nitrogen \ in heat exchanger of the system of temperature control is fed by flowing siphon by vacuum pump or blowing out due to the surplus pressure created in the transport Dewar vessel. The holder of photoreceiver is equipped by the contact devices and leads providing possibility of measuring characteristics in an operating condition. Size of windows " in light " - 30 - 50 mm.
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